The Uniform Room

Order your uniforms online

For volunteer opportunities, please email us at:

Payment Information:

Cash, Cheque, or E-transfer to No refunds, exchange only on unworn items.

Contact Information:

To contact us about uniforms, please email:

BYES Uniform Orders

Please email with your order. Please include all sizes and your cell phone number.

We offer both walk-in and appointment times.

Appointments can be made by calling 416-785-0750 Ext. 127 during walk-in hours.

Walk-in Hours:

Week of July 16: Tuesday July 18: 4:30-6:30 PM

Week of July 30th:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:30 AM -1 PM
Tuesday 6-9 PM

Week of August 6:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:30 AM -1 PM
Wednesday 6-9 PM

Week of August 13:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:30 AM -1 PM
Monday 6-9 PM

Week of August 20:
Sunday 10 AM -1 PM
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:30 AM-1 PM
Tuesday 6-9 PM

Week of August 27:
Sunday 10 AM -1 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:30-3
Monday 6-9 PM

Week of September 3:
Sunday 10 AM – 1 PM
Monday 9:30 AM – 3 PM